The Exchange Rate of Maluku Provincial Farmers in September 2020 was 95.21, increased 0.04 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ambon Municipality

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The Exchange Rate of Maluku Provincial Farmers in September 2020 was 95.21, increased 0.04 percent

Release Date : October 5, 2020
File Size : 0.98 MB


The Maluku Province Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) in September 2020 was 95.21, or an increase of 0.04 percent compared to August 2020 which was recorded at 95.17. The increase in NTP was caused by the agricultural production price index (It) which was recorded to have increased by 0.03 percent and a decrease in Ib by 0.01 percent. In September 2020 Maluku Province was ranked 32 out of 34 provinces with an NTP of 95.21. The highest NTP occurred in Riau Province at 120.94, while the lowest NTP occurred in Bali Province at 93.16.
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