Happiness Level Measurement Survey 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ambon Municipality

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Happiness Level Measurement Survey 2021

Happiness Level Measurement Survey 2021

July 29, 2021 | BPS Activities

In 2021 the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) will conduct the Happiness Level Measurement Survey (SPTK) for the third time. SPTK is a survey based on subjective assessments to describe household living conditions not only from the material side but also from the direction of the meaning of life and happiness of respondents with the support of respondents' objective data.
In general, SPTK 2021 aims to obtain detailed information about the level of happiness as measured by various relevant objective and subjective variables. Meanwhile, its specific objectives are to provide data to calculate the 2021 Happiness Index, to provide data for the 2021 Social Capital Indicator, to provide data to calculate the Caring Behavior Index. Environment (IPPLH) 2021, provides data to calculate indicators related to crime.

The implementation of the 2021 SPTK data collection in Ambon City is carried out by implementing Strict Health Protocols in an effort to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. SPTK data collection will be carried out on 1-31 July 2021. The data collection mechanism is carried out by direct interviews with respondents through the computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) application or telephone interviews.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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