Recruitment of Survey Data Collection Officer - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ambon Municipality

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Recruitment of Survey Data Collection Officer

Recruitment of Survey Data Collection Officer

June 15, 2021 | BPS Activities

This time, we want to share information about job vacancies, are you curious?
Yups, for the period from August to October 2021, BPS Ambon City will carry out several surveys, namely the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS), National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS), Integrated Agricultural Survey (SITASI), and Long Form Population Census Data Collection 2020 .
For this reason, we need assistance as data collection officers for the mentioned surveys above. For those of you who are interested in joining, please register at the link or scan the barcode listed on the attached poster.
Don't forget to make sure you have read the general requirements that have been written, and don't forget that the registration deadline is only open until June 25, 2021. The conditions are so easy..
For questions regarding registration, you can check on our social media, if something is not clear, you can ask directly to the attached contact number
Registration link:
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Ambon (Statistics - BPS Ambon Regional Office)Jl. Haruhun (Komplek Puleh) Kel. Waihoka

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