Announcement of the Final Selection of Prospective Field Data Collection Officers for SP2020 Advance - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ambon Municipality

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Announcement of the Final Selection of Prospective Field Data Collection Officers for SP2020 Advance

Announcement of the Final Selection of Prospective Field Data Collection Officers for SP2020 Advance

April 25, 2022 | Other Activities

Berdasarkan hasil Uji Kompetensi dan Wawancara yang telah selesai dilakukan, maka dengan ini kami umumkan daftar nama calon Petugas Pendataan Lapangan SP2020 Lanjutan Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Ambon tahun 2022 yang telah berhasil melewati proses seleksi.

Berikut surat pengumuman akhir selesi calon petugas pendataan SP2020 Lanjutan di 
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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